How do you uplift yourself during a hard time? How do you respond in your moments of defeat? Think hard and evaluate on how you respond towards situations. The way you react defines the type of person you are. When you can improve your ability to navigate during negative times you become a happier person and you develop yourself as a better person. I am writing this because personally I need some uplifting in myself. With the good and bad moments of 2020 I wanted to try an help uplift others.
1. Prayer
Take time to develop your relationship with God. Ask God to uplift you as a person and help guide you during this hard time. When you confide in him you’re developing your faith and trusting in him. Say a prayer and see where it can go.
2. Learning From Difficult Times
When I find myself in a negative situation I take the time to dwell in it and meditate. I take it as self reflecting. I like to pick everything apart and see what went wrong and what I could’ve done differently. I always end up learning from it so I’m able to get a clear picture of what I need to make sure I can be a better person.
3. Focus on What You can Control Not, What you Can’t
Sometimes things happen that are just beyond our control. You might as well just except the circumstance. If not you’re just setting yourself up for frustration on things you can’t control. Focus on the things you can control because that’s how you can make a change and also help your growth. Maybe you should make a list of things you can control and put all your focus on that and see how far you get.
4. Creating Your Community
Having the right people around you is some of the most important things you can do in your life. You should always surround yourself with people who are loving, caring, honest, and who support you no matter what. I believe in the saying you are who you hang out with.