When you look in the mirror, what do you see?
When God sees you in the mirror, what do you think he sees?
You – your existence, your features, and your abilities are not a mistake. God doesn’t make mistakes. He made you and thoughtfully placed you in a body, a family and a place on this earth. (Psalm 139)
When I look in the mirror I see a beautiful woman but definitely a lack of confidence in her own faith. I admit I am scared of the unknown. Let's be real, I am human and not perfect. Everyone is scared of the unknown but when you have faith that's when God will guide you towards your fullest potential. You have to believe and have faith. Prayer is what will guide you, ask the Lord to give you faith, wisdom, and patients. Remember its up to you to receive that.
Don’t look down on what God created and loves! If you doubt God and complain about his handiwork, you're being and you're situations, you miss out on good works and the blessing they bring over your life. (Ephesians 2:10)
Look in the mirror and ask yourself, do you see what God sees?