This event was the most powerful event I’ve ever had. Women spoke about faith, motherhood, disabilities, relationships, and transitions through life.
I focused my speech on stepping out into faith. By me starting ChenaysCorner it started as a hobby and only focused on fashion. During the same time I was working at Macy’s and specializing in a brand called International Concepts (I.N.C) for plus size women. Working with my clients, they would look in the mirror and indicate how fat and ugly they were. I couldn’t comprehend how women could speak so negative about themselves. That’s when I realized I need to make a difference in women’s lives. So then it became more then just fashion, it became about increasing confidence in women. When I started writing about confidence that’s when I realized that this is a real issue amongst women. I started taking it more seriously in 2017 and every three to four months I would create an event. Each event would have a different theme but it would empower women's confidence. Starting this year is when I regained my faith back to God and realized ChenaysCorner has been Gods work all along. This year God gave me the courage to step out into faith. Once I stepped out into faith, that’s when I realized God created this vision for me. God chose me to give women power, hope, faith, to help them regain their confidence to feel reinsurance. In 2018, what I learned most was finding what my purpose is in life.
Meet the Speakers
Daisy Hernandez

I created this event because 2018 was definitely a transitional year. Myself and everyone around me have been going through life changes. I dedicated this event to a really special friend, Daisy Hernandez. I became so inspired from her story so I decided to share it with the world. Daisy was in a previous engagement and four months before her wedding she broke it off. Within those four months she moved out on her own and created a foundation for herself and her daughter. I’ve seen Daisy at her lowest point to the success she is now. She was put down but did not allow anybody to keep her down. While stepping out in faith, she put all of her trust in God. By taking that leap of faith she became stronger.

Carol Savedra
Life is full of seasons and nothing stays the same, children grow up in the blink of an eye, so cherish the time that you have with your children and loved ones.
As women we need to grow with our children because when they go off to college or move out of the house, we as Mom's are not needed in the same way as we were when they were younger.
Also older women can reinvent themselves at any time, it’s never too late and you’re never too old.
I focused the fact that we as women we are always going through some sort of change do we have to reinvent ourselves from time to time.

Kendra Deanna
2018 was a huge transition not only for me but for those around me. It forced me to analyze my life and make necessary changes. My speech focused on those adjustments and how they affected me. Also I explained the importance of acceptance of yourself, all of you because your flaws are your power. Sometimes what you’re running away from about yourself is what stops you from being your best you.

Denise Mitchell
My journey is different then your journey. When times get tough you have to keep moving. Never stop, don't quit because you are here for a purpose. Your purpose.
You were chosen according to the purpose of God the Father and were made a holy people by his Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be purified by his blood. May grace and peace be yours in full measure. (1 Peter 1:2)

Chyna Brown
This year was about returning to myself, being Chyna. And that journey really encompassed three main things, forgiveness, healing and gratitude. One book that proved very helpful to me this year was 'The Untethered Soul' by Michael A. Singer. It helped me realize that I wasn't being myself, but rather a product of everything that I have experienced in the past. I know that sounds very broad, but once you begin the process of truly feeling who you are you''ll realize that you're not the summation of the past, but presently you're love. We all have that natural eagerness to feel love, in all of its forms. Realizing that everything else was emotions passing through. The healing came to play when I made the decision to let go of all the parts that didn't feel like love. Healing takes forgiveness; not just to others who hurt me, but forgiving myself as well for those I have hurt. And with forgiveness comes so much peace and with peace came gratitude. Grateful to God for the experiences, the guidance and the blessings. The fear of being too much and the fear of not being enough is the same, its the fear of being yourself. So, as the new year approaches I am abandoning fear and I'm standing in the power of faith. I'm excited to see what 2019 has in store, because i'm feeling more myself than ever.

We couldn't have made this event a success if it wasn't for Debra Garcia. Debra has such an amazing spirit about her that God has blessed us with her presence. She is the most bubbly, positive, outgoing person I know. She opened her home up to create this amazing event. I personally want to say thank you Debra for being part of my life and allowing us help change the world little at a time. I love you!

Because of you, you are changing another woman's life.
~The Women's Confident Movement~